2016年12月15日 星期四

Humans:About Astrid

昨晚失眠睡不著意外發現一個有趣的網站-The L Chat,找到有關Humans的Nistrid的專版討論,看著外網粉絲的討論感到有趣新鮮,畢竟在國內這部劇受到的關注度相比Westworld動輒在Ptt上數篇的心得文真的是寥寥無幾,但我還是很喜歡這部英劇,因為劇裡合成人Elster家族和人類Hawkins家族之間溫暖的互動和存在彼此間的矛盾讓人看得意猶未盡,尤其在人設方面深獲我心,下面是飾演Niska的Human lover-Astrid的演員Bella Dayne對於此角的詮釋(資料來自http://s1.zetaboards.com/L_Anon/topic/8033753/3/),有幾段話對於感情方面的描繪發人深省

Extract of an interview of Bella Dayne who plays Astrid :

Can you tell us about your role in Humans? And for those who haven't seen the show, how would you pitch it to encourage them to watch?

"My character in Humans is called Astrid. She is from Berlin and is completely uninhibited, free of materialistic values, full of love. She sees beauty in everything and everyone, very much what Berlin as a city embodies at the moment I think. Astrid feels comfortable with who she is and thus can infatuate others with her happiness and warmth. She meets Niska (who is a Synth, but doesn’t know it yet) and the two get involved. It is to me an incredibly beautiful story, this odd couple. Niska, a Synth, disappointed by humanity, full of anger and violent impulses, who is incredibly closed off and to many would evoke fear, meets an emotionally uninhibited Astrid. She sees beyond that and sees that that behavior is only the result of deep pain of Niska's past, thus never judges and only sees beauty in her 'imperfections' and flaws and recognizes how deeply sensitive Niska truly is. My character makes someone who has become 'bitter', unafraid 'to feel' and 'to love' again. I think that is an incredibly beautiful message. Someone loving you for who you really are and continuing to do so no matter how much you try to push them away, is disarming

"Adding to that layer that Niska is a Synth that looks like a woman - but theoretically, a 'robot' doesn’t have a gender - it reminds that love goes beyond any labels of what we are or what we look like - it goes back to that truly loving someone is loving their heart and essence.


